
Have you heard about DIVI?  We are continually amazed by its incredible feature set and its ease of use.

Let me start by saying that we have no direct or indirect affiliation with DIVI and do not get paid for this post.  This is our honest feedback from years of trial and error.

From experience, we discovered that the biggest issue in the web market was the ongoing management of content changes to professional websites, customers were reliant on the developer to make simple text and image changes.  This was due tot he heavy reliance of CSS and HTML to make the website look the way you want it.  Tricky stuff to conquer if you are not a web developer.

This lead to a dilemma for both the customer and the web developer.  The customer didn’t want to pay a lot for simple changes, and the developer would have to fit the ad-hoc work into their schedule, so they would charge heavily to deter these small, unprofitable tasks from coming in.  This usually lead to the content changes being delayed, or not uploaded at all.

Our goal was to find a solution for our customers that would let them take back control of their websites, by allowing them to make basic text and image changes with with ease.  This meant changing the way we develop, to accommodate for the customer.

Drag and Drop Page Builders seemed like the best option, as they provided a set of tools that could easily be moved and modified without using HTML language or CSS Styling.

With each page builder we tried, we discovered there was no perfect solution, most still required a heavy understanding of web development to complete the project, or were riddled with bugs that caused several hours of wasted time trying to do the simplest of things.

Then came DIVI, in the early days it was a very easy to learn system, with some cute features, but it was lacking the feature set of the bigger players in the market, like Visual Composer. So still a lot of code had to be used, or plugins added to make an engaging website.

THEN, over a relatively short amount of time, DIVI has taken leaps and bounds forward in its abilities and its features, to arrive at where we are today.  A full featured, block buster of a program that allows us build amazing websites with minimal code.  A website where 95% of the static content can be edited by you, the customer.  Sure, things like customised headers and highly functional plugins will still need a developer for, but everything else is managed via the click of a button.

DIVI allows us to create sections of websites without one line of code, where other systems would take lines and lines of code to achieve. It truly is amazing what you can do when you learn DIVI well.  There is a raft of online documentation, courses and videos to assist you in becoming a DIVI extraordinaire.